Saturday, April 28, 2012

[IMPORT] Primordial Phase

"No matter how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories."
Carnal desires, frustration fits and erratic emotions: Lingering thoughts of how I deal with my own life. Haruki Murakami (ζ‘δΈŠζ˜₯ζ¨Ή) taught me countless lessons that greatly shifted the way I view the abysmal disposition that I have. I was introduced to a new, gaping peephole of myriad abstractions of existence, human ethics and vulnerability. I admit that having been exposed to Murakami and coming back for more is both a boon and bane. My standards of morality has been at flux in a good and a bad way. I have further matured, but also uncertain of everything around me. I have gained confidence in myself, and have lost trust in the world.
"Leave me alone, motherfuckers."

[IMPORT] Midlife Crises

No, I'm not yet an adult. Nor do I want to, yet. I used to, but everything's regret. At the end of the day, I'm time is all-powerful. As what M. Elliott Jacques prescribed when he coined the term, midlife crisis refers to a certain stage of in life filled with tribulations and regrets that soon arise after decades of dealing with work, relationships, emotions, the self, career, and going cray with debt. Below are some of the primary symptoms of when you know you're into real shit:
  • Boredom and exhaustion, or frantic energy
  • Self-questioning
  • Daydreaming
  • Irritability, unexpected anger
  • Acting on alcohol, drug, food or other compulsions
  • Greatly decreased or increased sexual desire
  • Sexual affairs, especially with someone much younger
  • Greatly decreased or increased ambition