Tuesday, May 1, 2012

[IMPORT] Rapesponsibility

It's been almost a month since summer break, and there are a few reasons to celebrate (YAY). First, it's already a year I've been formally working. Aside from that, this'll be the first time to brag online that I'm a professional teacher, finally! On the low side, though, a year has passed, yet I have no published work! For someone not in the all-rainbows and butterflies dominion of academic and social sciences, research papers are as crucial as the opening scene of some porn movie where a raging chick asks favor from a sexually-ravenous guy--plumber or technician, the usual--and it's history.
you know where this is going

Quite the lethargy that an 8-hour office work is, being in the academic plane is in the same way physically, mentally and emotionally taxing--moreso financially. Granting there's such thing as significant "professional growth" in this   austere field, research work has to be considered as the top priority in reaching that insurmountable odd other than postgraduate diploma. We do not only work with residency hours, nearly perfect attendance, quality instruction, constant career development agenda, and the balls to deal with students who beg for God-given tolerance and of course salvation. We also have to brawl with the greatest phenomenon of the academic world that is both happiness and pain in the ass to us: research. Without these, no professional growth. No professional growth, no money. Though I've been chillaxing more than ever in this scorching hawt summer sweatfest, I still got a lot of things to do other than my daily routine of whining, intellectual masturbation and daydreaming cats.

So here's some of the itineraries I have to drag myself to give a fuck at because I have to. And I love giving fucks--and earning money:
  1. Fix time management dilemma
  2. Publish a research paper once and for all
  3. Be more professionally active
  4. Widen and improve teaching strategies
idealism, you make me crei
Easy being said than done, I don't think I could accomplish as least one. Starting off with a research agenda is absolutely another inner cavalcade of episodic self-blame, frustration and dead efficacy. I'm that of an idealistic, quality-control guy who doesn't just come up with an idea as easy as a snap. I take a lot of considerations before starting with a study which is why I am beyond my teen years and I am still stuck in this vacuous career path I pushed myself into. It's not really the career; I am goddamn in love with it. It's about how I am dealing with it.
  1.  Bilingualism
  2. World Englishes
  3. Bilingual Phonology
So I have this plan of reliving my dream to go hardcore mainstream research and present a paper in self-esteem butcher convention (no incendiary intentions). I've been hoarding a lot of linguistics-related materials online and as of now, still no topic in mind. Since I'm also trying to synergize this whole concept of improving myself with time management going along (IT HAS TO) with wider professional breadth, I've conceded the fact that I do have high standards and that I have to serve it with rigid working ethics and

ample time (oh god).

Nevertheless, nothing comes close to a challenge of the brain and the heart. I chose this life because I wanted to and dreamed of and I'm gonna live it.

The chicken concurs.

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